Education is the most valuable thing
Free Education
The primary goal of the Salma Foundation, as a welfare organization in Pakistan, is to provide education to Pakistani children which will promote children’s education in Pakistan. Deserving and unprivileged children of society will be enrolled in free educational classes. Apart from imparting knowledge to the children, special counseling sessions will be held to groom the mind. This will help to unlock the potential of the children and they will become a useful part of Pakistani society.
First Aid Facility
Salma Foundation is aware of the fact that rigorous management of the first aid provision within an organization is crucial to provide health facilities. Keeping a stock of essential medicines in case of emergency helps to deal with the wounds timely until further help.
Skills Development
Salma Foundation will also provide free skill development opportunities to the unemployed people of Pakistan. By doing so, the rate of unemployment will be decreased and a positive change will occur in society. The skill development section will cater to the section of society that cannot afford to learn the skills necessary to earn a livelihood. This skill development department will offer different skills courses to deserving people in society. This will definitely add value to society.
Teacher Training
Another major aim of Salma Foundation is to provide “Teachers Training Programme”.
Different volunteers are invited to give special trainings to the teachers. We aim to
develop a progressive teaching program by using modern communicative approaches. It will effectively help to implement activities based and interactive methods in the education we provide to the children. We aim to provide teacher training to teachers of rural communities and schools with very little training opportunities by using a uniquely designed curriculum for developing communities.
Community Based Awareness
Are you aware that Pakistan has the world’s second-highest number of out-of-school children? You are the one who could help to promote the children’s education. Community helps children to grow and advance in their lives. The community plays a vital role in encouraging unprivileged children and their families to get an education. Salma Foundation will hold different community-based awareness sessions to promote children’s education in Pakistan. Your participation, donations, and appreciation will encourage unprivileged children to get an education in Pakistan. Be a cause for a better reason!
Sports Facility
Salma Foundation aims to groom the children in every possible way. One such ways is provision of sports to children. Sports play an important in achieving and maintaining a good physical and mental health by developing leadership skills. Sports equip the children with the ability to set goals and build character. Participating in sports can lead to higher self-esteem and better social interaction.